An astrophotographer, astronomy popularizer, writer, planetarium co-owner, and lecturer. His work was featured by: NASA Astronomy Picture Of the Day, Earth Science Picture Of the Day, BBC Sky At Night magazine, TWAN, International Meteor Organization, Tähdet ja avaruus, Quark, and Kozmos. Tomas was born in 1994 in Kosice, Slovakia. In his childhood, he was fascinated by the night sky. He was still interested in space secrets and observing interesting events like eclipses or meteor showers. He was fascinated when he first pointed the lens of the old camera toward the night sky and found out how many objects the camera had captured compared to the naked eye. This brought him into the world of astrophotography. His biggest passion is photographing the night sky with nature beauty.
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Author of the photographs
Tomáš Slovinský
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