This image taken by James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam features the central region of the Chamaeleon I dark molecular cloud, which resides 630 light years away from Earth. The cold cloud of gas visible(blue) in the middle of the image is illuminated by the infrared light from a young, outflowing protostar cataloged as Ced 110 IRS 4 - orange, upper left.
The light from numerous background stars, seen as orange dots behind the cloud, can be used to detect ices in the cloud, which absorb the starlight passing through them. This huge cosmic cloud is not only a majestic beauty of the universe but also helps astronomers to discover and study about complex molecules that are the first step in the creation of the building blocks of life.
Image Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA
Image Processing: M. Zamani (ESA/Webb) Images of our real Fine Art print (Pillars of Creation JWST) and details of the image added to each our print from this collection.
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